Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Noun: Alcricity
Verb:  Zoom
Adjective: Masculine

Noun: Pattern
Verb: Detail
Adjective: Monotone

Noun: System
Verb: Intersecting
Adjective: Sleek

This is the 3d design paper design I did during foundation studies to showcase pattern. I learnt from this work that sometimes overdoing it tends to bring the quality of the project down.

This is my something beautiful;a picture taken at blue mountains. I feel that it shows us how picturesque a view can be when all elements of nature come together. It showcases water from the mini-waterfall, the rough exterior rocks which complements and supports the lush algae and trees.

This is the St. Coletta School designed by the late architect Michael Graves. I love this particular building as it shows us that we can still achieve fantastic looking buildings by using the most basic geometric of shapes.